Friday, May 16, 2014

Moksha Meditation - A new way of living your life..

I researched on a couple of questions on meditation and found this...
What is Meditation: 
45% said sitting / lying down on a quiet room
50% said trying to concentrate in 1 object / stay calm
100% said not talking to anyone while you meditate

How often do you meditate? 
5% said once a week or more often
8% said once a month
92% said can't meditate due to busy schedule
70% said don't know how to meditate/not my cup of tea (they also agreed on point 3)

And if you are reading this and thinking you fit into most of these answers.. especially the majority then here is something for you...

In Moksha Meditation you don't have to...

  • sit aside in a closed room
  • close your eyes
  • not talk to anyone while you meditate
  • take time of your routine work

It is an art of being in a state happiness at all times.. It is a state of relaxation... a state of consciousness..

Let me start with some basics..
Moksha is a sanskrit word meaning liberation. Spiritually Moksha means freedom from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. Whereas psychologically means freedom/ self realisation.

Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind to induce mode of consciousness which helps to relax, focus and quiet your mind..

Do you think you could unit the two? -Moksha and Meditation!
One often would disagree as Moksha is usually attained after one's death. But Moksha meditation is a form of meditation which allows you to enjoy the peace in you state of complete consciousness while you are doing you daily day to day activities like talking, working, dealing with issues at work or fights etc..

Now... Is this practically possible? Can you meditate while sitting in the most important business meeting!
Can you meditate while you are working hard to meet your deadlines?
Can you meditate while you are running late?

Before I go any further, I would like to ask a question to my readers...

What is Happiness and How do you measure it? 
feel free to comment below or mail me your views to

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